A definitive understanding of how to permanently free yourself of ongoing nagging neck/shoulder pain and the tiredness that this brings...
Many people get neck/shoulder stiffness or pain, and the reason is simply because we spend all day every day holding the head in space with those muscles...
The head has an important role in you deciding where to move to in space, but here, I explain how the atlas, the very first vertebra of the neck, can be released so that the head's weight can always be given down through the axis of the spine, regardless of what you are doing, leaving your neck and shoulders free of any weight-bearing responsibility.
I also give you something to practice, that will write this way of moving into your nervous system...
If you ever suffer from stiff neck and shoulders (or just have a kind of tiredness that makes you want to be inactive all the time) this practice will make you feel free and light…
Enjoy! Tap the like button for me and leave a comment if you found it helpful. I am happy for you to share this around wherever you see fit.
And if you do enjoy it, you might want to consider trying out Silver membership so you can access the full class version of it, together with ~ 200 or so 'Yoga Solutions' mini-classes :
You can sign up for Silver for a 1-week free trial, then its just ~ £1/week for a brand new class every week, as well as access to over 150 of my previously recorded sessions on-demand. (Cancel any time)
And if you want to take things deeper with me, most Saturday mornings, I put on a 2.5hr interactive workshop on Zoom (£27 drop-in … free for Gold and Platinum members) - usually centred around or developed from my current current Yoga Solutions theme, but always tweaked to meet the needs of the onscreen participants ((you can also book a view-only place for just £15… recordings available to anyone that books whether you attend or not). Latest workshop info:
If you are drawn to working with me , but would like to see if we are a fit, you can book a FREE online 15 min consultation with me here :
And that is also the link for directly booking a 1-1 session with me (all levels of experience welcome from absolute beginner to seasoned teacher)
Coming up:
Huzur Vadisi, Turkey July '23: 1 week retreat with myself and Tuesday McNeill
World Yoga Festival August '23: Long weekend real yoga festival in beautiful countryside