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Below you will find lots of useful clips from my 'Yoga Solutions' classes, my thoughts & opinions on all aspects of yoga, there are even full workshop recordings, and a nutrition & pranayama course!
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Marc J Acquaviva
Dec 19, 20231 min read
A meditation to set you up for every day....
Meditation is a key practice that is mostly skipped over, simply because of how difficult it is to both still the mind and remain...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Dec 15, 20231 min read
Happy hips... How to truly free up the Psoas and the Illio-Psoas -
If the hips or lower back feel stiff, tight or painful in postures, the chances are that you habitually support yourself with a holding...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Oct 18, 20231 min read
Releasing Neck Tension: The Ultimate Guide to Freeing Up Your Neck
There are two very unusual vertebrae in the neck that are related to expression and thought - and moreover whether you are free in these...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Sep 29, 20231 min read
How the sacrum, pelvis & legs like to move
Hips are quite a tricky thing to understand because what people understand as 'hips' depends on where they 'feel' them. Articulations...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Aug 30, 20231 min read
Many teachers recognise the importance of the breath in posture work, yet breathing practices (aka pranayama), are mostly practiced...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Aug 25, 20231 min read
Freeing up the Shoulders
A regular question i get is about how to be free in the shoulders... but whenever I run workshops in new places with large groups of...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Aug 18, 20231 min read
Sitting & seated forward bends...
Sitting upright is really quite tricky for many people - and if so seated forward bends are even harder. Here I show you why and what...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Aug 10, 20231 min read
Yoga Solutions: deconstructing dog pose
Dog pose is such a ubiquitous 'in between' posture in flows and the like that it is rare for people to spend any time finding out if...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Jul 26, 20232 min read
Triangle - solving the tight-front-hip issue
Triangle (all versions from all traditions) is quite a difficult posture in terms of 'finding the yoga of it'. The bigger wider versions...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Jun 22, 20233 min read
Yoga Solutions: REAL transformation
It is regularly stated that the physical practice of yoga is only a part of what yoga is, but even by those that say this, it is treated...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Jun 2, 20232 min read
Do you believe in Chakras?
THE FIRST OF A SERIES OF 'YOGA SOLUTIONS' ... Developing a true somatic experience and practical understanding of what they actually...
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Marc J Acquaviva
May 25, 20232 min read
Yoga Solutions - NECK & SHOULDERS ...
A definitive understanding of how to permanently free yourself of ongoing nagging neck/shoulder pain and the tiredness that this...
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Marc J Acquaviva
May 11, 20232 min read
Many people end up hurting their lower backs through some kind of physical labour whilst being bent over - and I am no exception. I...
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Marc J Acquaviva
May 5, 20232 min read
'Flow' and the breath...
De-bunking the norm... There is a reason for the 'inhale up/exhale down' instruction that makes 'doing' yoga postures easier for the mind...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Apr 13, 20232 min read
'Inner Space' & 'Inner Support'
'Inner space' is a description of a purely somatic experience that most people only have when resting and happy.... Here I give you a...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Postural Strategies and the breath
We all have preferred ways of being upright, and our breath follows suit - OR we have preferred ways of breathing, and the way we become...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Mar 25, 20231 min read
A DIY facelift :)
Something you can do lying down that will make a huge difference to your face, jaw and sense of calm... This was lifted from today's...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Feb 15, 20231 min read
If you want to balance - don't try and balance!
Here I explain the reason for any difficulty you might have in 'balance postures' or the even more misleading instruction of 'holding...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Feb 9, 20231 min read
'Gathering together' ... what it means and why it works
Yoga Solutions: There is a familiar principle in Scaravelli inspired yoga of 'gathering together ' before 'opening out'. It is an idea...
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Marc J Acquaviva
Dec 27, 20220 min read
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