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121 Mentoring & Yoga Therapy Solutions

with Marc J Acquaviva

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121 Yoga Mentoring with Marc

~ in person or online

One to one tuition is and always has been Marc's favourite way of transmitting the work.

The true tradition of yoga was that it was only ever transmitted directly one on one.  This way practice can be guided by the reality of the person's needs and blind-spots, rather than by attempting to modify the body to fit particular ideas of what we 'should' be capable of, or by limiting our mind-body developoment by doing only what we already prefer to do.  


Whether you are just starting your yoga , or have been practicing most of your life, Marc offers expert guidance that will help you build a practice and a way of physically engaging with life that will massively expand your horizons at the same time as best serving your ongoing needs.

Yoga is a moment-to-moment practice of being entirely present to what is. So if the purpose is transformation, the only way to guide it is in direct response to people that are right there in front of you.  And when I get to do this 121, I can follow  every nuance, every breath, and guide things to a point of total integration.


 The outcome can be mind-blowing for the individual, and deeply satisfying for me.


Rachel Walsh

Hi Guys!

As most of you know i have been dealing with a rotator cuff injury. To begin with i couldn't lift my arm at all and was in a lot of pain doing the most simple of things (putting a jacket on was quite special) BUT i have been lucky enough to spend some with Marc J Acquaviva just one hour last week and half an hour yesterday.


Not only have i got a full range of motion back in my shoulder but i feel like for the first time perhaps ever i am really living inside my body and there is a new connection there in terms of my yoga practice like i've learning to move for the first time all over again... It's fucking amazing. Anyway i'll stop rambling on now and say EVERYONE MUST GO AND SEE HIM.

online 121

About Online 121 Tutoring

Hands-on is a very rapid way of transmitting the work, but Marc also offers an online service via Zoom for those that don't live nearby. The outcome is surprisingly effective. 

The reason he started teaching people online (around 2006) was because whenever he travelled to the States  to teach on someone training course, or even around the UK on a workshop, inevitably there were people that wanted to continue to work with the principles he was sharing, but there was no-one local that could support them in it.


Marc discovered that even online he could pick up on the most subtle of nuances in people's movement and simply 'read' what was going on for them as if they were directly in the room with him.  And he has been teaching 121 and small groups online ever since.

Online vs. in person...

Some people prefer the experience of online work with Marc, simply because physical progress is at precisely the rate that the mind can assimilate things. Without hands-on,  Marc's job is to find ways of expressing things that makes sense to the individual, and the changes in the body follow the development of understanding.

Those that prefer in-person and hands-on are generally more eager to have a new and direct experience of the relationships that Marc gives people.  With direct hands-on sessions, there can be enormous physical transformations, but understanding is more somatic than intellectual, so although the body changes rapidly, it is the understanding that develops with practice.

Either way, online is a very effective way of directly working 121 with Marc. You can do it in the comfort of your own home and sessions can be recorded.

onlin vsin pers

Yoga Therapy -

Solutions-based support for remedial issues

Groundbreaking new bodywork - 

directtly with tts originator

Marc developed his unique approach to practice by resolving a myriad of postural and joint issues of his own directly through practice, and he has since expanded the remedial aspect of his work in many directions.


At first he extrapolated the principles that he used to relieve chronic symptoms of sciatica and a collapsing knee-joint, into solving other joint and postural complications that he hadn't  personally experienced.


When he applied his technique in manually guiding others, it worked so well that  he was encouraged to take things further. He went on to develop solutions for common complications such as migraine, fibromyalgia, ME & chronic fatigue, even osteoarthritis in fingers, fallen arches and bunions, and of course the ubiquitous problems of hips and shoulders backs and necks - pretty much most things.

Problems with organ function?

He can also help you modify practice so that you can safely and effectively develop your health through practice, even if there is a specific organ issue going on (heart disease, liver disease, kidney problems etc etc.). 

People’s experience is generally that health can then improve because of the practice, and the specific relationships given also allow organ function to improve.

Does it really work ?

There are hundreds of people out there who have experienced massive improvement directly, through 121s, on his Courses, the occasional spontaneous healing on a workshop, and even once in a while on a group class online.  Without extensive blind-testing with thousands of people to 'prove it' in medical terms, the only evidence that is works is anecdotal and by word of mouth...  (there are a few of the most recent testimonials below)  

However Marc insists that he is not 'doing the healing' - he says that he is simply helping to 'Create the Conditions that  allow the body to heal itself.' 

If you want to know how  I do it, I simply guide people's bodies to place where there is no longer the  condition  of  'conflict' between parts itself.

The new relationsips I give people will by definition, be 'different', but in some other way the person will recognise it as 'right' because the somatic sense in that moment, as well as being unfamiliar, will have the quality of ease, together with a marked absense of the usual symptoms.

I then show people how to stay in these relationships in action - yes, in 'postures' but mostly in day to day life, which includes what they actually like to do in life.

This new relationship to what they do, and to life itself, then becomes their Practice. And it also becomes their very own Yoga.


What to expect from a Yoga Therapy session with Marc

The way that Marc works with these things is entirely in response to each individual.

 It will depend on things such as the degree of the issue, and of the discomfort that goes with it, the amount that the issue is impacting on life, and how much and how quickly the person wishes to be free of the complication.  If it is a result of an injury or surgical procedure, the age of the issue will be a factor.  And of course the state of body-mind that the person is in at the time...


Yoga Therapy can be entirely gifted to the person, as gentle, supportive manipulations (there is no 'cracking' of joints or any other hard manipulations required).  It can be done fully clothed and cushioned by a few yoga mats.  As the recipient, you can simply relax and allow Marc to do the work for you... he will occasionally  ask you to breathe into what he is doing, or to visualise something particular as he works with you, but it can be a virtually passive experience (and you can ask for that if it is what you are looking for)

If you are ready for it and it is appropriate, he will also give you specific things to do, where you can practice the relationships for yourself. And it will be this that takes it beyond simple relief, towards a complete and longterm solution - ie. a life untroubled by the issue (and you can request this too if it is your preference)

The majority of physical issues end up being directly healed by the process.   Others become reminders to practice - in that when you return to the 'old' way of doing things,  the body will remind you by re-presenting the 'old' issue.  However, once you have physically reminded yourself of better ways of 'being', symptoms simply disappear again with the practice.

If you wish to make your 121 session with Marc a  Yoga Therapy session,  you simply click the  'This is Yoga Therapy session' box before you select your spot.  And it is probably a good idea to let Marc know what the issue is, so that he can directly work out what you need beforehand.

Yoga therapy
more therapy
what to epect
Anchor 1

Yoga with Marc ~

Subscription options

Those that wish to invest in themselves  longterm can do so by subscription.


You can make a monthly subscription of any amount, and all of it can be redeemed against 121 mentoring, online classes and courses, and on any workshops or retreats organised by the Acquaviva School (essentially anything that can be paid for on this website).

When you sign up through subscription - I give you a personal code to have discounts on anything you book.

Become a Patron,

and support this revolution in practice... 

Marc has a few very special long-standing students and patrons that have secured priority 121 sessions and attendance on most events for life.  They did this by supporting the expansion of the School and Marc’s work in the best way they can.


We whole-heartedly believe that this approach to body-work should become available to everyone - and world-wide exposure is big thing to aim for.  It takes good equipment to film and stream content at a quality that portrays the quality of the work. And to work with big groups around the world, a powerful internet setup is required. There are even plans to bring this way of working directly back to India....

 A well established teacher, Tuesday McNeill, who has worked regularly with Marc for more than a decade, and sees him as one of her main influences, was having one of her yearly retreats in Kerala India, and she met a local who was in the position of  having to sell his house, in order to pay for some Ayurvedic treatment for his lame arm  - with no guarantee of success.


 Knowing the fundamentals of Marc's work, she stepped in and offered to try to help directly. After a little while he began experiencing a massive improvement in the use of his previously non-functioning arm  - The man got to keep his house, and is now determined to become a yoga teacher of this 'magical new yoga'. We would love to be able to run a training program in India!  This would true full-circle paying-it-forward.


Building the infrastructure that will give us what we need to build and provide content for these grand-vision projects, is going to take a good deal of time and quite a bit of money. So, if the Acquaviva mission is to succeed, we actually need far more funding than we can possibly ever produce from running our Courses and the like... and Marc has for a long time now been of the persuasion that perhaps the School should be funded in the same way Yoga Schools used to be in the old days - so that it can be set up as a resource for healing, learning and support for the people that truly need it.

The most recent student/patron that offered this to Marc and the Acquaviva School, facilitated the building of the Acquaviva Garden studio through his very generous funding.  He has secured regular private tuition for life, as well as free access to everything else that Marc does in person or online as a result, but his main motivation was that "this work really has to get out there".  And one of the purposes of the building is to be the Home of all Marc's online work.

Building the Acquaviva Garden Studio...
The tiniest amount makes a big difference!

If you would just like to help keep the free content flowing, you could set up a small regular donation to support the work.  


If each and every person that appreciates the weekly free content on this website, on Facebook, YouTube and IGTV  were to support us with a £5/month subscription, this would a long way to liberating the time needed to build content.

It takes a few people with big hearts to change the world.

There  is a great deal more that can be done to expand this work into the world, so if you are someone that is in a position to help further the Acquaviva mission, please contact Marc directly, and not only will you be helping to bring this work to wherever it is needed in the world,  you will also be able to secure exactly what you would like in terms of support for your own well-being and personal development for years to come.


Get in touch

Feel free to connect with Marc and Abigail and they will be happy to respond to any questions you might have

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Acquaviva School of Yoga
15 Ranelagh Villas, Hove BN3 6HE

Company no: 08571518 (Registered in the UK)

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