Here I explain the reason for any difficulty you might have in 'balance postures' or the even more misleading instruction of 'holding balances'. And i show you exactly the small shift in perspective and understanding that should make things much simpler...
A full half hour guided practice will be available later on today for my premium members ( ). For ~ £1/week (Silver membership) you can get a weekly class on my 'Yoga Solutions' subjects, as well as access to over 150 previously recorded sessions.
If you are drawn to working with me , but would like to see if we are a fit, you can book a FREE online 15 min consultation with me at And that is also the link for directly booking a 1-1 session with me (all levels of experience welcome from absolute beginner to seasoned teacher)
Live interactive workshops on Zoom every Saturday (10:30am-1:00pm) for the more intrepid body-mind explorer... anyone looking for the gateway to real and lasting change.
You can also find my in-person events this link ... coming up:
Huzur Vadisi, Turkey July '23: 1 week retreat with myself and Tuesday McNeill
World Yoga Festival August '23: Long weekend real yoga festival in beautiful countryside.