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On-demand Workshops 

(most recent at the top)


.... I also did something to help explore turning from the upper body without pulling on the neck - Which is an activity of mobile ribs with support from the core. All of these things can (and should be) be supported by the breath, so I incorporated pranayama practices (easy for those familiar with 'The Sacred Breath' course). And when the free-hip walking was revisited, the mobility of the upper body and ribcage made more natural sense of things for everyone....

Reinventing walking without hip tension

Hips & shoulders

Hips & shoulders


This workshop I set the scene for the upcoming course by taking the small group through 3 kriya-type pranayamas that help you develop the core responsiveness needed for 'your breath to become your support'... I will add this to the 'Sacred Breath' course so that all premium members can run through this.

A prequel to the 'Chakra Course' (September 2024)

Pranayama & Posture

Pranayama & Posture


After experiencing a week of needing deep and strong pranayama work to support the changes around the base of my spine after freeing up the thoracic spine, I was further encouraged to put on the course on chakras I have in my sights.... today was a bit of an explanation of how it works, together of course with a direct experience of why we need to pay attention to these things (and the breathing choices that invite them) in terms of physical practice....

A taster for the upcoming course September 2024

The support centres for our chakras

The support centres for our chakras


I uploaded this the following week, so I don't remember the content ... people enjoyed as usual so follow to find out.


The second workshop from Barcelona

The second workshop from Barcelona


On this workshop, a large proportion of the group were experiencing recovery from illness and other debilitating situations, so I built a workshop that addressed the discomfort at source, and participants could either apply the same principles to postures directly, or to the imagined intention of engaging with the posture - leading to outcomes that were almost the same.

.... how to integrate the breath into everything you do.

The breath is the answer

The breath is the answer


If you haven't done this workshop, you need to.

... centre in and move from the heart.

It's sublimely simple...

It's sublimely simple...


The evening before I discovered something that seemed to cause the inner body to naturally organise itself into the thing I am always talking about....

How to invoke the inner strength I talk about

A trick to help you discover what I'm talking about.

A trick to help you discover what I'm talking about.


A guided experience that teaches the body to find the support it needs so you can let go.

How to let go of holding yourself together and up with things that want to be free in space...

Neck and hips

Neck and hips


My teaching these days is consolidating into a united picture of things , so really, I could use any description for any video. Today we applied the thing to reclining leg extensions, approach to king pigeon, and seated wide stride forward bend.

..... is to give your body a 'new' way of supporting yourself - A Centred Breath.

All it takes to release your hips, lower back, neck and shoulders ....

All it takes to release your hips, lower back, neck and shoulders ....


Too much to say - watch the video :-)

... Using your relationship to space to release into the ground

Using the earth to relate to space...

Using the earth to relate to space...


I was inspired by a 1:1 that got me thinking about why its so difficult to even know when we are holding our weight up with the spine ... what followed on this workshop was a clear explanation and practice of one of my base-line first principles.

.... the somatic key to discovering and understanding the meaning of yoga. understanding

The Art of Letting go

The Art of Letting go


This was quite a strong workshop, in that I guided us through applying the principles set out in the previous couple of weeks in standing postures, whilst comparing it to what happens with the usual instructions you get to 'perform' a posture. Not an easy one, but rewarding if you are in the mood for some hard work.

...standing postures & seated forward bends

Using postures to develop space & inner support

Using postures to develop space & inner support


This was really a follow on from last week's workshop. This happens quite regularly for me - I come up with a theme because of some practical realisation in practice, then a week later I am discovering more and more value from it, and deeper ramifications from its practice...

A must for anyone suffering from feeling 'heavy'

Internal space: How to create, sustain and relax  into spaciousness

Internal space: How to create, sustain and relax into spaciousness


The answer is the same as everything else - bring yourself back together with the heart to activate and centre from the spine behind it... Enjoy!

...Solving the need to trade these off against each other

Length in the waist, length in the sides of the neck...

Length in the waist, length in the sides of the neck...


This whole workshop was about exploring all aspects of yoga from a first-principle basis... We started with some simple rolling around to remind ourselves of first principles, then took that into some strong postures (chair pose, warrior, triangle etc), building up each from the same principles. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and felt great after :-) movement and strong postures

Some natural practice

Some natural practice


The title says it all really.. The workshop goes into practices that first create the space, then invites support to travel back into the spine behind the heart, so that we can understand how to move from there to experience the freedom at both ends. The naturalisation of this way of doing things relies on the breath.

... sourced in movement into and from the centre - the spine behind the heart.

Space and freedom at both ends of the body....

Space and freedom at both ends of the body....


I started the workshop with an anecdote about my experience of my body when i am feeling less than happy, compared to when i'm feeling great. The somatic difference is to do with engagement from within (which happens more naturally when you're feeling happy or enthused or something). Its important to go WITH what the body is saying to you, but if you want to change how you feel, it can happen naturally by awakening the stuff I always talk about - because that is the inner support that allows your periphery to both relax and fly into expression of what you are doing, simply because you are breathing it.

... to release into outward action.

Awakening the inner support...

Awakening the inner support...


It was a small group on this one, and the workshop became a deeper exploration of my yoga solutions class on 'happy hips - releasing the Psoas and Illio-Psoas'. The workshop ended with something for the shoulders and neck (which goes with and allows integration of the thing that releases the hips)

.... bringing supportive responses away from the periphary and towards the centre...

Happy hips part 2

Happy hips part 2


I started this workshop with no agenda, and as is often the way, it led to a pivotal workshop that brought a solution to the ubiquitous problem of 'thinking' your way into yoga. Shambhavi mudra is a 'yoga trick' with the eyes that can bypass binary thinking and bring you directly into the body. And 'the bhandas' can be developed naturally through an understanding of the movements and natural engagement of your core, ribs and diaphragm through grounded breathing.

Shambhavi mudra (2 versions) & the bhandas

Two MAJOR yoga practices to transform your practice for good.

Two MAJOR yoga practices to transform your practice for good.


A deep and comprehensive workshop for anyone wanting to open the upper spine, whilst freeing up the neck & shoulders and resoliving lower back/sacrum issues as you go

..whilst taking care of the sacrum/lower back

Opening the spine

Opening the spine


It is useful to understand how the hips & lower back best work together, and how the head neck & shoulders can do that at the other end of the body, but the only way they can both settle naturally into these improved relationships is when movement and support is sourced in the space between them - the middle - the core & ribcage. This would lead to an 'exercise' for them UNLESS, they get involved in using the ground that supports you and the space you are moving into. And the way they naturally do that is when you can let go of holding your weight up with the spine.....

It is the source solution to neck/shoulders & hips/lower back.

Your centre...

Your centre...


I remember this being a pivotal workshop that invites clarity about what it means to 'move from the spine & heart'

Moving from the heart

The breastbone & the spine

The breastbone & the spine


Anyone with neck & shoulder issues, with any degree of scoliosis (most of us have somewhere in the spine that is off to one side), or just 'heaviness' in the body - the solution for you is to awaken the ribgage in movement and support. It goes with non-sedentary breathing, and also with a whole-hearted engagement with life. This workshop explores these things in practice.

Your natural source of lightness and strength.

Awakening the ribcage (and thoracic spine)

Awakening the ribcage (and thoracic spine)


There was a confluence of requests about the area at the top of the shoulders... the solution is movement from the nearby spine, which we explored in whole body movements and some postures. Towards the end of the session we explored moving directly from the bit of spine that was previously stuck - leading to an experience of all the movements and relationships that we had practiced in order to release the spine in the first place.

Liberating the upper spine into extension from above down

All bout the neck

All bout the neck


A gentle and deep exploration of natural breathing and how it can lead to ease and support in posture work... together with a section specifically on looking after the knees. I ended with guided relaxation that turned out to be a rather comprehensive exploration of each and every chakra

Chakra centred breathing & posture work

The breath  is where its at

The breath is where its at


This started with an explanation of movements of the sacrum within the pelvis and hips, and needed to incorporate an understanding of the chakras as breathing centres from which you can physically engage out into the world... An intense workshop that really takes you into the importance of being kind to the joints

All about the sacrum, the breath, chakras and how the body moves from these things

Deep and transformational relationships

Deep and transformational relationships


The second workshop from my break in Barcelona. Having recovered fully, I have been left with the importance of liberating the inner spaces of the body (the ones that suffer when we are ill). This workshop tied in with and incorporated a repetition of previous work around relating to the world through spaces in the joints...

Inner space & outer action

Barcelona 2

Barcelona 2


I am in Barcelona for this week and next. I was actually recovering from being really quite ill, but this workshop made me feel considerably better for teaching (and of course practicing) it... 'Our inner spaces are where we experience from '

Recovery & depth through allowing the spaces within the freedom they need.

Barcelona 1

Barcelona 1


There is too much content to properly describe this workshop - it deals with how we react when in difficulty, how the core and ribs are to do with support, an understanding of the diaphragm... but mostly it is intense practice so you can experience it.

... and 'breathing what you are doing

Internal space, external support...

Internal space, external support...


This was an unusual workshop that seemed to strike a chord of recognition. It involves directly occupying different parts of yourself, to see how each part 'likes to be'. All parts add up & simplify into confluent relationships between things. And an unexpected consequence is that movement/postures etc become almost unrecognisably simple & free...

How different parts of yourself 'like to relate' to and from support & space

The natural language of the body...

The natural language of the body...


'Core strength' is something that we need - but it can't be usefully developed through 'exercising to strengthen the core'. What I mean by 'the core' is the inner space occupied by organs, fluid, and the space that we call lungs & heart... Core responsiveness is the ability to use the structure around inner space to interact with support and movement - So we can breathe what we do... Explore!

The ultimate solution to anything uncomfortable felt in the neck, shoulders, lower back & hips

Moving from the core

Moving from the core


On this workshop, after some deep rebalancing of my own hips following a structural shift in my spine, I thought I would share some of my evolving clarity around how hips can be free of the habitual holding and bracing that causes many people to experience hip and lower back issues,.

Hip joints, Pelvic bones and Sacrum

Understanding and releasing HIPS

Understanding and releasing HIPS


I began with an explanation of my baseline 'rules of thumb', and why I base my practice on these intentions, then guided some practice with specifics for the neck shoulders and hips.

...bringing your attention to how you relate to the world through your body & breath

True embodiment in practice

True embodiment in practice


This was after my yoga retreat in Turkey - I realised that the biggest interference to experiencing the freedoms and easy strength that are available to anyone that breathes, is the simple habit of 'holding yourself up with the spine', or 'hanging your weight off the spine'.
In normal life this is the normal experience - to access the true 'yoga state' we have to find other ways of supporting ourselves. Sourced in our interactions with the earth and the space we occupy through the breath and its release. Enjoy!

... So that the breath can become your support.

Putting in the work needed to find real support..

Putting in the work needed to find real support..


People had a good outcome from the previous week's workshop (follow it if you haven't seen it yet), and there were a few questions to zero in on some of the details... Then I took everyone through something to understand and release neck and shoulder tightness.

Q & practical A + neck & shoulders

A little of what people asked, then the NECK

A little of what people asked, then the NECK


This latest workshop was inspired by a moment of simplicity, when I realised that all the principles and understanding about the body that I share can be experienced directly and somatically by everyone, if you follow these 3 things to do in approach to ANY posture or movement.

Attending to the body's needs in 3 steps...

The absolute best 'ABC' for practice

The absolute best 'ABC' for practice

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