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The Proprioceptive Intelligence Series

Free access for Platinum members

Next-level Development Courses for dedicated teachers & practitioners.

The second of a new ground-breaking series of Online Courses that explores the potential that arises when we listen to the innate intelligence of our sensory feedback systems... 

8 workshops
~ 75-90 mins each.
(2 x intro workshops + 6 x course)

Proprioceptive Intelligence  - the fundamentals:

The baseline understanding behind my work is that the body's responses, are a perfect reflection of the qualities with which we physically engage with the world about us - which through breathing and other actions, includes our  physical relationships to the space we occupy...

Anchor 1

Our proprioceptive nervous system is a sophisticated part of our sensory intelligence, that is not only responsible for know where parts of ourselves are in space in relationship to each other, but it is also capable of mapping out the actual space around us.


The way  we physically respond to the space we occupy is written by each of our uniquely individual histories - causing us to retract from contact or from space in some parts of ourselves, and to push defiantly outwards in others.


All of us hold combinations these patterns of responses in the way we move and breathe, which in turn dictates how we feel within ourselves.   

This is where an intelligent approach to Yoga can step in - If we can become directly present to how we are physically relating to space we occupy, we can objectively shift our engagements. The result will be an entirely different experience of our environment, which leads to an entirely different experience of being in our bodies

What to expect :

On the introductory workshops, I will offer general guidance on the practical aspects of 'working with space' together with an overview of some of the most common 'retractions' that lead to postural holding patterns.  I will also be including some specific pranayama practices to help you find the direct experience of 'support from space'.

What people say ....


Alison Koslowski (Edinburgh)

“The online class format worked really well and I was surprised how much it allowed me to deepen my practice - perhaps even more than an in person class.


The course has totally rewired my perception of my spine in really helpful and fun ways. It has given me loads to work with! I look forward to going back over the videos of the classes again…and again…”

Over the 6 course sessions, together with the included 121s,  I will be guiding each of you explore particular relationships to space that will free you of the need to 'hold yourself up' , and over the course, we will cover the patterns of engagement from all of the major articulations of the limbs and body and each of the key areas of the spine.

Each session will begin with an introduction to the specific theme of the workshop and move into a guided physical practice. The framework will be a few specific key functional movements and yoga postures (and if you are a live participant you can also bring other things you would like to explore to the table). There is usually between 15 and 30 minutes of Q&A, a summary of the day's principle and its application to both your practice and your life, and usually we have time for a guided deep relaxation.


If you just try out the base-line content by taking the intro workshops only (both for only £25) or if you would go straight for the full course  (just £197, but this also includes 3 121s),  you can expect both your body mapping, and your spacial awareness to improve immensely.


You will discover surprising new patterns of connection  together with subsequent new freedoms in the breath and in movement

And as part of your course, you need to claim your free 121 time with me to iron out any confusions or specific sticking points in your practice or somatic understanding.  (NB. 121s are not included with intro-only  attendance)


By the end of the course, your body will have changed, and you will have a brand new somatic embodiment  of 'how to' in approach to body work of any kind, either for your own practice, or for how you work with others.

About Marc

Marc J Acquaviva has been passionate about yoga since his early childhood (since 1968), and from 1991 he studied and practiced exclusively with people that have worked directly with Vanda Scaravelli, such as Diane Long and Sophy Hoare, as well as with the highly respected osteopaths that have been called to further understanding of her work, such as Pete Blackaby and John Stirk.

During his intensive yoga study years, in the spirit of following Vanda Scaravelli's influences, Marc also explored and has drawn from other wellbeing practices, such as Feldenkrais  Qi Gong and Thai yoga massage.

After 8 years or so he eventually decided to teach, and qualified in 2000 with Natural Bodies of Brighton, doing Gary Carter's anatomy for yoga course.  He developed his own unique take on the work after suffering from a prolapsed disc during training.

The prolapse meant he wasn't able to walk, but he found that it was possible, through his own innate somatic sense of the body-relationships involved, to relieve the symptoms and restore function... He 'healed' the prolapse for himself within a few weeks, and has been developing and using his unique approach to help others ever since.

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